Verbal Accost


There is something about me that makes a drunk liberal say “I need to drop all my liberal angst and anger on this guy, like right now”. This is a conversation from a few nights ago. I was sitting at home in my boxer briefs minding my own damn business when this dude, whose name has been changed to protect his identity, sends me a video of Shep Smith from Foxnews. It’s midnight. The following took an hour:


Angry Liberal

Please watch that. It’s Fox News actually saying this. This isn’t a Democrat crying.


David A Whoie

Seen it, it’s not new


Angry Liberal

I know it’s not.

Just thought you might care. But probably not.

Most of the deplorables don’t.


David A Whoie

i care about what happens from jan 20 on

Angry Liberal

Haha Nice

David A Whoie

You really shouldn’t let this stuff get to you, it’s not healthy

Angry Liberal

So Russian hacking and interfering in the United States election process?

You don’t care

You’re just happy he won. And you’re moving on.

David A Whoie

I’d move on quickly no matter what the result, just like i did the 2 elections before

politics is not something to dwell on

Angry Liberal

So you don’t care that a world power that we oppose is hacking into our government.

David A Whoie

Sure I care

Angry Liberal

Oh right 😊

Looks like it

David A Whoie

but what is this president going to do about it


Angry Liberal


David A Whoie


Angry Liberal


David A Whoie

Just like he does with everything else

Angry Liberal

Oppose who they pushed into office. Understand that this was an act of warfare. Not to be so easily allowing of such callous acts.

David A Whoie


so what are we doing about it

going to war?

Angry Liberal

Sanctions. Kicking Russian dignitaries out of the country. Closing certain Russian centers. But you could post about it.

Say that you are opposed to this and act like you care

Rather than getting over it so quickly and moving on because you don’t care at all.

Post on your page that you’re against this atrocity.

David A Whoie

what evidence exists of the hack

or was it influence

Angry Liberal

Show your deplorable friends that you actually care about the country

David A Whoie

Was it just that Russians may have made the dems transparent, something they clearly couldn’t afford?

Angry Liberal

Rather than just your side. Because it’s not just your tea party GOP party. It’s the United States of America that is being threatened.

See? You don’t care. Okay.

Just making sure I understand you.

David A Whoie

Your party lost you the election, you should take it up with them


Angry Liberal

I didn’t before

I do now

Angry Liberal

Your side of Fox News actually said that this was Russian hacking.

So how do you call yourself American when you clearly don’t care about America?

David A Whoie

Apparently i just see clearer than you

Which is often the case when I am head to head with liberals.

Angry Liberal

All of those intelligence agencies said it was Russian hackers.

David A Whoie

What did the hackers do, exactly?

Angry Liberal

So you trust the FBI when they influence the election and sway voters by talking about Clinton’s emails. Yet you don’t care about all of these intelligence agencies saying that the Russians interfered with our election process?

David A Whoie

interfere with voting machines?

or exposed dem emails

which is it?

Angry Liberal


You really are that far gone

David A Whoie

nope, right here

you’d be close by if you were a normal democrat

but you are so hard left that it’s almost like you are 18 years old.

Angry Liberal


FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday released a joint report detailing how federal investigators linked the Russian government to hacks of Democratic Party organizations.The document makes clear reference to the hacks of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillar…

David A Whoie

So the evidence is damning

Why is the election… the results standing up?

Wouldn’t the president have the power to show proof and have things grind to a halt?


Angry Liberal

FBI and Homeland Security detail Russian hacking campaign in new report

Experts say report is too little too late and comes after several others from private sector detailing alleged exploits of groups Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear

David A Whoie

Your party is still in charge

What are they doing about it

Angry Liberal

I told you

David A Whoie

sanctions? that is like a slap on the wrist

Angry Liberal

Are you even reading what I’m typing?


David A Whoie


Angry Liberal

Are you THAT far gone?

David A Whoie

36 people going home?

theyll be back

Angry Liberal

You can’t even read what I’m typing.

David A Whoie

Right, I’ve lost the ability to read

I suppose I have resorted to cursing and name-calling too

You know how weak minds work

Angry Liberal

You’re just spewing right-wing crap and not reading what I’m typing, or the information in the reports?

David A Whoie

Can’t keep composure

Easily angered when they can’t grasp concepts fast enough

i follow politics daily, i don’t have to read your links

Angry Liberal

You just ask questions like “what did they really do” rather than actually get upset that a foreign nation affected our nation


Oh I’ll bet you do

David A Whoie

Yes i do

Angry Liberal

As far right with no facts whatsoever


Yep. Solid news indeed.

David A Whoie

You don’t really need to let me hear all this, i give liberals a fair shake

you should be thinking about 2018 and 2020

your party is in shambles

top to bottom

Angry Liberal

Oh you really do give Liberals a fair shake

You’re as fair and balanced as anyone could ever be

David A Whoie

majority of my friends are liberals

Angry Liberal

You’re a true American

David A Whoie

i only get anger from you

Angry Liberal

You’re not some crazy whacko that should never be allowed to vote. Oh no.

Not you. Whoever said that should be ashamed of themselves.

David A Whoie

if that’s how you feel

Angry Liberal

Why would anyone ever say that? It’s ridiculous to even fathom.

David A Whoie

i see you want to take this to the gutter

i have no desire

Angry Liberal

You’re a true patriot who doesn’t have a biased bone in his body

David A Whoie

thank you

Angry Liberal

You care about this country through and through.

David A Whoie

indeed i do

that’s the spirit, nice turn around

I live in NY, I didn’t vote in the general.

Angry Liberal

It must be difficult to even think that there are people out there who don’t care about the sanctity of this government the way you do.

David A Whoie

The only dem id vote for in ny is schumer

Angry Liberal

It’s just crazy to even think of. I can’t. I won’t.

David A Whoie

does it make you feel better to go off on me?

like i did something to you

or like i am trump

cause i feel like I’ve never wronged you

Angry Liberal

The CIA, the FBI, and other intelligence agencies. You trust their work. You stand behind our government and aren’t pro-Russia.

David A Whoie

i didn’t even vote against your candidate

Angry Liberal

Hey man. I’m standing up for you. 😊

You’d vote for Chuck? Don’t peddle your lib-tard agenda over here. You lost. Fair and square.

David A Whoie

lost ny, for sure

Angry Liberal

I could give a rats ass if Satan himself took all of the votes and changed them to be votes for Trump

Love it or leave it. That’s what I say.


David A Whoie

We can’t just agree to disagree right? That would be too simple

Angry Liberal

He won. He’s a true American. He’s going to save this country. Just look at who he filled his cabinet with.

True Americans. That’s who.

You’re just a lib-tard who can’t stop crying because they lost.

David A Whoie

did you follow politics closely 12 years ago

Angry Liberal

Love it or leave it

That’s all

Speak English

Be a Christian or get out.

Don’t be gay.

If you’re a woman, get back in the kitchen and shut up.


David A Whoie

i find women cant often cook as good as i can

i have loads of gay friends

none of them are mad at me

Angry Liberal

Well then get out

And tell them to get out This is America.

David A Whoie

it is america

wish i could understand the hysteria ya’ll are experiencing

Angry Liberal


David A Whoie

you shouldn’t let this stuff get you this wound up

Angry Liberal

Aw thanks

That’s some solid advice

You really do care. I knew you did.

You’re just a good natured person.

David A Whoie

do you know how many seats ya’ll are behind in the senate?

do you know where you should be focused on picking some up in 2018?

Angry Liberal

When you’re going around giving such sweet advice, do you look in the mirror and give yourself a thumbs up?

David A Whoie

you should really be forward thinking, its your job to take the power back, not anyone’s to give it back

two wet thumbs actually

Angry Liberal

There you go again. Such a giving, good natured person.

David A Whoie

Perspective is everything

Angry Liberal

You care about this country, and everyone in it.

Must be awesome being so well-rounded and knowledgeable.

David A Whoie

its a gift and a curse, to be honest

Angry Liberal

I can imagine

David A Whoie

this type of behaviour will gain you no ground with republicans

i’d imagine it builds resentment, not with me. I’ve already forgiven you for calling me deplorable and suggesting that i am a whackjob.

Angry Liberal

I never called you that directly

David A Whoie

i mean I’m the only one here

Angry Liberal

And anyone who is okay with Trump in office I do not care to really know anyways.

They can resent me all they want

David A Whoie

that makes no sense

 Angry Liberal

Why would I care if a racist, xenophobic, bigoted misogynistic person doesn’t care about me?

I feel as those the people who voted for Trump should live somewhere else. Maybe Russia.

Yeah. I rarely make sense anymore. You know that.

David A Whoie

trump is who we got

i had no hand in getting him in

he’ll get his chance to prove himself

and thats about it, if he sucks he is gone in 4

Angry Liberal

The people who wanted him in office should be vetted. And the refugees from Syria should come and take their place in our country.

David A Whoie

he’ll get 8 though

unless he decides 4 is enough, which i dont put past him

Angry Liberal

The people who either voted for him, or wanted him to win aren’t really Americans. They don’t understand this country and never will.

David A Whoie

in which case his vp would run, and you would be left with 12 years straight at least of republicans

Angry Liberal

They are racist outsiders who do not understand what it means to be a true American.

Those who say that Obama was the worst president don’t deserve to live here.

David A Whoie

he wasn’t the worst or most ineffective

but he was close

well depends, he had some agendas that he forced through for sure

the president doesn’t write law, believe it or not

Angry Liberal

These are awful people who do not understand the way this country was meant to move forward.

David A Whoie

how are your 50 or 60 million people right and the 50 60 that voted for trump wrong

does that ever happen?

Angry Liberal

The LGBT community benefited because they are human beings who deserve the chance to live just like everyone else.

Angry Liberal

So those who voted for Trump or feel as those Obama was the worst president really shouldn’t live in a western, progressive country like America.

They would probably be happier in Russia anyways.

David A Whoie

i believe you would

youre a socialist arent you?

it’s not a bad word you know

Angry Liberal

Russia controls its people. The press. Etc. Gay people are demonized and destroyed. Women are second class citizens. It’s a great place for deplorables. Putin loves killing people who are against him.


David A Whoie

you know who loves gay people?



This concluded the program. I think he fell asleep. That or needed some warm milk and and a body pillow to cuddle up to.





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